Monday, April 20, 2009

A first for me

I'm actually looking at solicits. I never pay attention. I pretty much have the comics i like, and that's what I read. If something big is coming along, I may pick it up. Otherwise, I get most of my info on what to read based off of other blogs or interesting covers. However, I happened upon some July solicits today so I will talk about what sounds interesting.

Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert
Variant cover by Ethan Van Sciver
Sketch variant cover by Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert

This is a no brainer for me. I was totally sucked in with the Sinestro Corps stuff because I love balance and duality. When they showed the hints at other lanterns, I was totally sucked in. I have been unable to pick up the GL comics since then, but plan on going back and reading all of the stuff I have missed about the new lantern corps. But, really, it is all about the dead coming back and tearing shit up. So, yeah. I am there.

Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Doug Mahnke & Christian Alamy
Variant cover by Rodolfo Migliari

Oooo, man. I think I should pick this up too. An origin for Black Hand to explain how he is connected to this whole thing is a must have as well. Plus, the cover has me excited. Probably a lie, but still...

Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Doug Mahnke & Christian Alamy
Variant cover by Rodolfo Migliari

Ooo, J'onn back from the dead. We knew it was coming, but holy shit is that a great way to start off.

Written by Geoff Johns & Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Rags Morales, Chris Sprouse, Ivan Reis, Doug Mahnke and others
Covers by Ed Benes & Rob Hunter
Variant covers by Gary Frank, Francis Manapul and Doug Mahnke

Um, yeah. Must have this as well. I need all of the Lantern stuff i can get with regard to alternate corps.


Holy hell. It is like DC read my mind. They have a direct feed into my brain as to what is cool. I need another post just to talk about how this makes me feel.

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Mark Bagley & Art Thibert
Cover by Tony Daniel & Sandu Florea

I would consider this, if only for the Bagley art. Plus, Winick I hear writes a good Batman. I know he is capable of good comics. I have seen them. I just don't think he has managed to put one out in a long time.

Written by Greg Rucka
Art by JH Williams III; co-feature art by Cully Hamner
Cover by JH Williams III

First of all, look at the team on this book. Really, look. That is a set of names you do not pass up. Also, Batwoman finally in a series where she should have been all along. Much as I loved what Paul Dini did to Detective with his "done in ones," I can survive without that if it means seeing Batwoman and the Question in their own comics.

Written by Paul Dini
Art and cover by Guillem March

Um. Yes please?

Written by Keith Giffen; co-feature written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Dan Jurgens & Norm Rapmund; co-feature art by Mike Norton
Cover by Dan Jurgens & Norm Rapmund

Booster Gold. Blue Beetle. Deathstroke. With Giffen writing and Jurgens art. Sold.

Written by James Robinson
Art and covers Mauro Cascioli

Geeze, about freaking time this thing came out. Shame it's only a miniseries instead of the originally promised ongoing. I'm intrigued by this hodge-podge of a team. Though, to be honest, the blurb for this one is lacking in anything i would care about. Likely wait for the trade on this. Or wait for someone else to tell me I need it.

Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott & Doug Hazlewood
Cover by Daniel LuVisi

It's Secret Six. The best thing to come out of Infinite Crisis. So, yeah, I'm reading this.

Written by Mike Ploog
Art by Mike Ploog & Dan Green
Cover by Nick Cardy

You see the name Mike Ploog? Guy worked with Eisner himself. Gut has amazingly fun artwork. Plus, this comic has been mostly good regardless of the team (though nobody has bean Darwyn Cooke's run yet). I not only plan on reading this, I long for it. I needs it. The precious.

Written by Art Baltazar and Franco
Art and cover by Art Baltazar

Aw yeah Titans!

NORTH 40 #1
Written by Aaron Williams
Art and cover by Fiona Staples

How badass is this:
Somewhere in Midwestern America was a place called Conover County. When the old book was opened, and the runes therein used in haste and ignorance, a place of farms, simple folk, and small-town dreams became a den of monsters and nightmare. NORTH 40 is the story of those who survived and came to confront an even greater evil on the horizon – one that wouldn't just consume their flesh, but their souls as well. Heroes arise with power to bring against the dark: Wyatt, an unwilling protector of his former tormentors; Amanda, an apprentice to forgotten arts; and Sheriff Morgan, whose bonds with Conover County go back farther than even he can remember. See where it started, and watch where it's all going in NORTH 40 #1.

Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Davide Gianfelice
Cover by Kako

Modern reimagining of Greek Tragedies. I think I can justify an issue or two of this before making a judgment.

Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Jim Fern & Craig T. Hamilton
Cover by Joao Ruas

Never miss an issue. This series has managed to be awesome from issue one, and has somehow managed to stay good when the major overarching plot has been resolved. Somehow a series about fables in New York because they lost their homelands has managed to work after they have managed to defeat the conqueror responsible.

Written by Chris Roberson
Art by Tony Akins
Cover by Brian Bolland

Another awesome series I have not missed an issue of. As long as Jack writed the cover message and previews of the next issues, and as long as Babe has his page of thoughts, i will keep reading.

Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Luca Rossi & David Hahn
Cover by Esao Andrews

The way I see this, it is the new Sandman. So, I have to keep reading. It helps that the series is actually good.

So, that's the DC and DC Imprint books. Next up Marvel. When I am not feeling as lazy. Also, sometime soon, the Wednesday Comic post.

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